Friday, September 28, 2007


So about a week or so ago, I was doing a portrait session and my husband was watching our son. I called him on my way home and we decided to meet at one of our local coney island joints for a late dinner. When I walked in the restaurant, I saw my husband on the opposite side of the restaurant over a row of high booths running through the middle of the room. No read-headed trouble maker to be seen...hmmm. As I turned the corner down the aisle in which my husband was seated, I looked down and there he was...the LLOML (little love of my life), running down the aisle with 24 roses in his arms that were as big as he was. I teared up and looked around and everyone in the restaurant was smiling. It was so cute, I wish I could have had someone taking pictures of the sequence of events as they happened. No such luck....So instead, we "restaged" it when we got home. Not quite the same impact, but you get the idea.

My husband swears the flowers were my son's idea, but I am not sure I am convinced. I love the two men in my life...they are so good to me!


Lisa Walsh said...

Awww. How cute!

TwoRing said...

This is SO sweet! I think moments like this make me look forward to my new bundle of joy down the road.

Again, he's adorable!

Nicole said...

That is the sweetest thing ever!

Anonymous said...