Saturday, September 1, 2007

His best friend

Tonight my husband was on-call at the hospital overnight so my mom, dad, son and I went to visit him and take him some "non-cafeteria" food. My son was so excited to see his dada as usual and we said our good-byes just like usual. But in the parking garage, my son (who never cuddles or sits still for a minute) put his head on my shoulder and curled it down against my chest as I was carrying him and didn't pick it back up for a couple minutes. This has only happened when he is REALLY sick or pretty scared of something around him and neither was the case this time.

My parents looked at me wondering what was going on as they knew this was out of character for him. I just stood outside the car holding him and asked him what was wrong even though he is too young to tell me clearly. I suggested a couple things that didn't seem to affect his demeanor and then I said "Are you sad daddy's not here?". It was my only question that generated a response from him. "Do you miss daddy?" With his head still down, he nodded. I told him it was okay to be sad, reminded him how much his daddy loved him and promised him he would be home to see him tomorrow. He picked up his head and said, "K mama, k" and wiggled his way out of my arms to get in his car seat.

He loves his dad and who can blame him, he is the best husband to me and father to his son!

Just a couple more from the holiday weekend!


Nicole said...

These are great Jen! I love the first one.

Anonymous said...

That sounds about right for Lily too.She just started doing the cuddly thing.She misses her daddy when he goes to work, and we talk to him on the phone on his breaks or visit.Sometimes we leave him emails with pics or videos.Just like you, they are my favorite subjects to shoot, and I love catching Daddy-daughter moments.You capture their daddy-son moments wonderfully.