Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dan + A note about email

Wow! It has been a busy weekend. A wedding with my friend Abby and a senior session with one of my favorite people, Dan, and a trip to visit my parents. We have not had internet service since Friday (I haven't been near a computer since then anyway.) and upon opening my email in-boxes (from a couple different addresses)...I have about 50+ emails to wade through. Who knew I was so popular! It's probably all spam ;-) I may not get through them all tonight so please be patient with me and I will get back to everyone as soon as possible.

Thanks to my husband for helping me on this session! Not only do I like spending time with you...but you're a pretty awesome photographer too!

Hope you like your sneak peek Dan! Sorry ladies, he's already taken.


Nicole said...

OOOH I like!! Great job!

Lisa Walsh said...

Very nice! There's something about #2 that makes it my fav...I'm not sure what it is exactly. I really like the way you composed the one in the woods, using foreground elements to give it some depth.