Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Warm and fuzzy!

Photography isn't what I went to school for...in fact, you might be surprised if I told you what I did go to school for. (Don't you blog lurkers who know me suddenly pipe up and spill the beans either!)

So despite my numerous posts, putting my photographs out for the "world" to see, I am very critical and shy about my skills as a photographer. So it really means a lot to me when I get such nice feedback from clients. Both Rachel's and Julian's sent me such nice emails recently about the photographs of their children and I just wanted them to know how much I appreciate the feedback!

So as a small token of my appreciation, here are a few more of your gorgeous children!

Miss Rachel

Mr. Julian

1 comment:

Lisa Walsh said...

Oooo, now I'm curious! Are you a Rocket-Scientist-Turned-Photographer?

p.s. Your word verification isn't liking me much today, lol!