Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Crazy fabric

We went to JoAnn Fabrics yesterday because I wanted to play with crazy bold fun fabric in some children's pictures. My husband looked at me as if I had grown a second head when I showed him what I was buying! My son was the practice model right before he went to bed tonight and he really wasn't interested. Plus, I think the effect will look much better in natural light photos. Maybe I'm the one who is crazy...not the fabric!


Anonymous said...

Nathan's hair is getting long and it looks so cute. I like the little curl in the back.

Jen said...

Seriously Erin...what do you want as your "thank you for posting" gift?

Dad wants to see his hair grow out. I like the curls too but we'll see what happens when the bangs start to get in his eyes!

Lisa Walsh said...

Wow, that IS some crazy fabric, lol! I think you'll get a lot of use out of it, though. I can see it with a little girl, a senior, or even a funky bride!

Anonymous said...

I completely love that first shot - love the background fabric - and what an awesome idea.

I am so going ninja in a fabric shop after seeing that!

Jen said...

You made me laugh Brent. When my husband has to go with me to a fabric store we call it a "sporting goods" store instead to make him feel better!

p.s. If you do go to a place like JoAnn Fabrics, try to find a coupon in the paper, they usually have one every week at least around here...40% off...the stuff is expensive...but fun!