Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am not alone.

I have always had a special place in my heart for the first couple who hired me to photograph their wedding. Well, the bride is now a mommy-to-be and I couldn't be more excited for her and her husband. Elizabeth is a blogger too and after reading her post below, that place in my heart I hold for her grew by leaps and bounds. Her post made me realize...I am normal and I am not alone.


Anonymous said...

Jen, you're so sweet! You will always have a special place in our hearts too as we remember our wedding day (almost 5 years ago!) and how it all came together so last minute and so well.

I think we may very well be kindred spirits, but I don't know if that makes us normal or not! :)

Telgenhoff Photographers said...

Wow! So true! Love your photos on the blog.