Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

So the childcare providers reminded me yesterday when I dropped off my son not to forget my son's Valentine's Day cards to pass out to all the kids when he comes to daycare today.

Uhhhhhh...what? He's TWO! Since when did two year olds pass out Valentine's Day cards!?! I faked a calm look and said "They are ready at home waiting!"

So bad mom (and dad) ran to Target last night to find exactly what I expected....the selection of cards was very slim! I guess waiting until the day before to buy them is not a good idea....note to self. It was then that I was glad my son was only TWO and couldn't have cared less what was on the cards that we picked for him to give out to his little friends.

Of course, I love all of my family and friends, but here are the two men in my life that make me love being a wife and a mom. Happy Valentine's Day Husband and Son!

I mean, how can I not love this face?

Or this one....


Kerri Banyas said...

Both of your guys are too cute! I hope you had an amazing V-day!

Anonymous said...

What handsome men in your life! ;)

Jen said...

Awww...thanks you guys! I'll tell them you said so!