Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's gonna be a looooong 40 days!

Last year my husband and I gave up french fries for Lent. What we believed to be an insurrmountable task was not. If you knew how often we consume and love french fries, you would be really impressed. Strangely, I don't think we lost any weight as a side we went back to eating them.

So this year, I figured...double or nothing. The one thing I really can't imagine living without is my daily caffeine...but only in pop (soda for any non-Midwesterners) form. I don't drink coffee and tea just doesn't do it for me. I am so addicted that I don't think there has been a single day in the last 15-20 years where I haven't had a diet Coke or Coke...make that 2 or 3 or 4 or more...every day. I have attempted to quit before, for the sake of my poor teeth, because I am living a double standard for what I tell my son, because of the chemicals I pour into my body, etc. I don't think I have made it more than a half day. I get bad headaches, crabby, I give in.

Well, I've made it to 2:30 pm on my first day of this effort and so far, so good. The trip to the cafeteria, the hallways lined with vending machines didn't make it easy..but I am going to try...even if I fail, I am going to give it my best.


TwoRing said...

I concur! I allow myself 1 diet coke a day. I have to have it. It's my coffee. I don't know what it is about that little silver can but it just makes me happy to drink it. It takes me a good 2-3 hours to finish 1 can though. I feel your pain. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I think your nuts! ;) Just Kidding! Good Luck!

Lisa Walsh said...

Oh my gosh. I can't imagine giving up coffee. If soda is your coffee...well...good luck to you, girl!

Erin said...

Good luck Jen! Those are both toughies, but I know many, many Diet Coke addicts (mostly my mom, who has at least three before dinner), so know you are not alone! Nick and I are trying to give up buying pop on a regular basis, and only having it as a treat. It is not quite the consolation I was hoping for, but I've been drinking lots of Kool-Aid!

Hope everything is going well with you and your family!