I think it was at least a year ago or more I applied for membership to the ACPCG as a volunteer photographer. I never heard back and assumed after a couple months of not seeing my name added that maybe my style of photography wasn't a good fit for the organization or they had enough photographers in my area. I forgot about it and was pleasantly surprised to see my name added when I found that someone had found me recently through their website.
Check it out and feel free to pass the link along to anyone know who might benefit from the organization.
A post is not a real post without a picture, so here's my son the night before his much needed haircut.

A very cool association! Congrats on getting in and giving your talents!
New to your blog, but absolutely love your dedication and commitment to this cause. It brought tears to my eyes. You have inspired me to do the same. Thank you!
Have you had any contact with ACPCG since the addition of your name? I have been trying to become a participating photographer as well, and haven't heard anything. I am in love with the mission! Nice work!
Anonymous, no, I have not had any contact since the addition to of my name to the list. With a heavy heart, I do hope to to be contacted soon to give of my photography to a family in need.
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