Shawn and Amy were married yesterday at Utica United Methodist Church and had a fabulous reception in Warren at The Gazebo. The rainy morning turned to blue skies just in time for some fun candids of the wedding party. The fabulous Delia joined me for the here to view some of her awesome images.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Amy + Shawn
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11:19 PM
Labels: posted by jennifer dery, wedding, weddings
Friday, June 27, 2008
Joseph + A note
The busiest 3 weeks of my entire summer are about to begin, so my responses to emails take a little longer than usual. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Today I had the pleasure of meeting little Joseph (and visiting with his big sister, mom and dad). Thanks guys for making the trip to Lansing.
I hope you guys enjoy your sneak peek!
As is the case with most of my newborn sessions, Joseph had no interest in sleeping during during the 2 hours we were shooting. I don't know how all of those newborn photographers get their subjects to sleep through the entire session.
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9:45 PM
Labels: infants, lansing photographer, michigan photographer, posted by jennifer dery
Monday, June 23, 2008
My most difficult subjects
Far and away, my most difficult subject matter is my family! I don't know what it is...but you just shouldn't try to take pictures of your own family. Whether it is my own son or my in-laws, it must be that they just don't take me seriously or something. I still love them, but I'd rather not photograph them especially in a big group. The only perk is that miraculously, I am not in any of the pictures that way...YIPEE!
Here's the graduating resident with the largest number of guests...some of whom, made this picture VERY difficult to take (Aunt MICHELLE!).
Proof...the actual diploma. And if these two ER technically attendings, don't seriously make you reconsider whether you actually need to go to the ER or not, I don't know what will.
Congratulations again to my husband and his fellow graduating senior residents!
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11:19 PM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The day I thought would never come...
Tomorrow (technically today according to the clock on my computer), my husband graduates from is Emergency Medicine Residency. I am so proud of him and this little post won't do my feelings justice, but here's my feeble attempt.
John and I met in medical school. He started a year after me and I was his "Big Sis", serving as a mentor and giving him my test files (no wonder he liked me so much!). Tests and classroom based learning came easy to me...clinical years with direct patient care experience not so much. He was the opposite doing well the first two years but coming into his own the last two years of clinicals. Even before I knew I liked him more than a friend, and certainly before I knew I would marry him, I admired him. I admired his positive attitude, his outgoing personality (even though I am painfully shy), his very close relationship with his family, his sense of humor, his sense of respect, kindness and chivalry. He performed "acts of kindness" for friends and strangers alike on a daily basis. I know many people who don't know him think he does these things for "show" but they are sorely mistaken. My husband is THE most genuine person I know....period!
When I made the difficult decision to leave my residency, his support is the reason I came out the end of the tunnel and was eventually able to see the light again. For someone who loved so much, what I did not, it amazes me to this day that he could empathize and support me as much as he did and as much as he still does to this day.
His decision to come back to Michigan for his residency was good for both of us, especially since we would be closer to both of our families. We both knew what we were "in for" but it hasn't made the last 4 years any easier. We are blessed in so many ways, but it seems like many people think becoming a doctor is some sort of glamorous journey. I assure you, it is not. The exhaustion, the hours, the stress, the politics, the lawsuits, the debt...often outweigh the few patients who actually seem to appreciate what you are trying to do for them. Even with the money that comes after residency....I would trade it in a heartbeat for a few more hours a day or a week with my husband, who, despite where he may want to be, often has no choice.
During his 3rd year, he randomly announced to me one day that he even if he were "elected" he would not accept the role of Chief Resident his 4th year. I smiled and laughed and said, "GREAT!" knowing full well what would happen.
Shockingly, his fellow residents selected him as Chief Resident and he did not decline. If you don't know my husband, he has to blow status quo out of the water with anything he does and this was no exception. I am proud of all of his efforts and all that he has done for his residency. He has received several honors to recognize his efforts...and he fully deserves them. He has also dealt with a lot of grief despite his efforts, which he does not's my blog, I can say it! My husband has picked up other people's slack without them knowing often times and without complaining publicly. That's the way he is....doing what has to be done for the greater good. I suppose it is a good thing those individuals don't interact with me on a daily basis, because his good intentions in many cases, have taken away from time with me...and I don't take to that lightly...GRRRRR!
Despite all of his responsibilities and his extra curricular activities, no matter how exhausted he is when he comes home, he always gives me and our son his all. If it were me, I would flop down on the couch and tune out the world, but not John.
It seemed like graduation would never come. I mentally had to tell myself it wouldn't come so I could handle the tasks at hand and stay afloat. Even though he still has shifts until the end of the month, I can't believe the day is here.
I worry about him. I worry because despite his efforts and how he has taken advantage of every learning opportunity possible...the change from resident (under someone else's watch) one day to attending (everything on your shoulders) the next must be a scary one. I couldn't do it. I hope he knows he is not alone in his feelings and I hope that if he can't share them with me, he will find someone who better understands.
He will get sued despite his best efforts, people will die on his watch despite his best efforts...we will love him forever, no matter what!
John, I am so proud of what you have accomplished and what you will accomplish in the future. I am most proud,however, of the person that you are and the fact that I get to call you my husband and best friend! I LOVE YOU!
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11:30 PM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Off Camera
Oh, I wish I had more time to play with my off camera flash! Finally got the kiddo a bath and in bed and I ran to find the sun had already set. I was hoping to do a little practicing with my willing model but like usual, time escaped me. I decided to quick throw up my flash on a tripod and take a few shots to test my radiopoppers.
I know these aren't very "artistic" but the model is cute don't you agree? And how about those poses...entirely his own creations! If only lugging a tripod, umbrella and extra flash weren't as cumbersome, I would bring them with me to every shoot! I need more practice but for a first-time trial and 5 minutes of shooting (lest I risk getting eaten alive by mosquitoes), I really like the potential.
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12:02 AM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery