Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Flu

Yikes, the flu has taken hold of me and won't let go! Anyone else feel my pain? I am so lucky my son and husband haven't gotten it (yet), which is why I know almost for certain it is the flu. (I'm the only dunce in the family who didn't get the flu shot!)

Here's a few from the couch today, the first one is especially for Grandma...who bought this hat for my son, which I just love (the hat that is...and my son too)!

And Thomas the Tank Engine has some new competition in our house. My son calls him "La Queen" which makes me chuckle almost every time he says it....which is A LOT!


Kerri Banyas said... must have given us the flu when you commented on my blog last night! I have not gotten it yet, but Drew and the kids were up all night visiting the bathroom. We never get flu shots either...either we are crazy or extremely smart. I hope you feel better soon!
BTW..thanks for the referrel!

Lisa Walsh said...

Don't send it here! I hope you feel better soon. :)

BTW: he seems to be following The Youngest's is transformers.