Sunday, August 5, 2007

Staci + Jason

Oh my! I don't even know where to begin. I have another wedding to finish editing, but I always put up a sneak peek for couples until I can get to their slideshow and editing the majority of their images.

This wedding was the first time I have been told by the church that photographs may not be taken for the ENTIRE ceremony. While I always respect the rules of the church the couple selects, this was a very hard thing for be wedding photographer and not take pictures of the wedding itself. To be honest, I was worried that I wouldn't have enough moments to capture to tell the couple's day. Well, was I wrong!

A few things come to mind, some of which can be seen below....sleeves, cake and goats!

Staci's gorgeous dress

The shoes

I couldn't resist.
The wedding party.
Can you find my husband?

The glowing bride.
In memory of her father, Staci carried his watch around her bouquet.

The guys.
Really quick portraits in downtown Bancroft. I loved this wall. Jason thought I was crazy!

At the reception.I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at the tux shop when they returned them today.

Jason is going to pay for this one day I am sure.

There are so many hilarious dancing photos. Here's a "G" rated one.

The cool tent!
I hope you guys have a wonderful honeymoon! Thank you for sharing your day with us, I hope you enjoy the sneak peek.


TwoRing said...

This wedding looks like it was a hoot! I LOVE the tractor shot. Beautiful job as always. =)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank You! We love them. We are in Mackinac island right now and just happened to see a cafe with high speed and couldn't resist! We love them and you guys did a great job!!!!! Thanks Again and we cant wait to see the rest!