For any of my clients or future clients...I currently offer you prints in three styles.
1. Full bleed = "regular" prints where the image goes all the way to the edge.
2. Keyline = white thicker outer edge with a thinner black line around the image. (this print is sitting on a black envelope)
3. Reverse Keyline = black thicker outer edge with a thinner white line around the image.
If you prefer option #2 or #3, please let me know in advance so I can can make your prints just the way you like!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Keyline and Reverse Keyline
Posted by
11:33 PM
Labels: posted by jennifer dery, products
Livin' Large
We splurged and got a pool to deal with the hot Michigan weather. Well "splurged" is a relative term as you can see from these pictures! 9 bucks at Target on wonder...the canopy is supposed to sprinkle water down into the pool, but it just makes the "canopy posts" collapse and fall over. It is true most times that you get what you pay for!
We still had fun. What a trooper dad was for sitting in ICE cold water that was tainted with...well, its too gross to write here but as an anatomy teacher I can tell you it was a normal bodily function when my son's behind hit the cold water and well, let's just say "shocked him"!
Posted by
10:26 PM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I was trying out a new company for canvas prints. The image is printed slightly larger then stretched over a wooden frame and is ready for hanging when it arrives! Cool! It is offered in two thicknesses, this is the thinner version. The actual dimensions of the canvas height and width are 24x16 inches. This isn't the best picture but the color and detail turned out really nice. The image was taken with a fish-eye lens so the distortion in the image is due to that, not the printing or stretching of the canvas.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Labels: posted by jennifer dery, products
Friday, August 24, 2007
My Son
An average minute with my son.
Minute two....I'm sure I will regret encouraging this look someday soon, but it just cracks me up!
Totally faking should have been around for minute THREE!
Posted by
1:47 PM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Monday, August 20, 2007
I've been tagged!
I was tagged by my favorite Terre Haute photographer, the multi-talented, Anne Ruthmann
to participate in a blog game where I'm supposed to list 8 interesting things about myself that my blog readers may not know and then try to get 8 other photographers to do the same!
Well, I am not sure I can think of 1 thing remotely interesting about me, let alone EIGHT! I certainly don't know eight photographers to "tag" according to the rules, but here goes.
1. I am PAINFULLY shy! No one ever believes me when I tell them that, but it is so true. Great trait for working with people you need to make feel comfortable photographing, right?
2. Going to the dentist freaks me out!
3. I can eat a whole package of OREO cookies in one sitting. Gives me "cookie disease" but I did it once after I gave birth to my son and I am pretty sure I could do it again.
4. My son's name was going to be Riley until my students convinced me it was better suited as a dog or girl's name. (Don't tell people your possible children's names while you pregnant.)
5. My husband was my "little brother" while I was in medical school. Oh yeah, I graduated from medical school.
6. I love the Dave Matthews band and met him once thanks to my friend Tammy.
7. I can't read. My husband tells people I am illiterate and he is almost correct. I read so slowly that I rarely do it (not something I am proud of). Funny that you can get through med school without really being able to read.
8. I only wash my face with water and a washcloth, no soap, no cleanser, no lotion, nothing!
Since I don't have a lot of "photographer" friends, here's who I am tagging!
Abby Rose
Lisa Walsh
Edit: I forgot to add one of my favorite portrait photographers....Nicole Barczac! I saw your comment Nicole...consider yourself officially tagged!
Posted by
11:13 PM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Monday, August 13, 2007
Staci + Jason - The Slideshow
Not sure what happened to the last post, but those images still make me smile and are in the slideshow as well. Just click on the link of this post to view it. Beware, the music starts almost immediately, so if you are at work you might want to turn down the sound on your computer first.
This might be the first slideshow I wish I could narrate, but then again, I am not sure I could give adequate explanation to some of the fun that was had that day!
Congratulations Staci and Jason! I hope you enjoy the show!
Posted by
12:22 PM
Labels: posted by jennifer dery, slideshow, wedding
Saturday, August 11, 2007
To post or not to post...that is the question.
I have learned over the years that I should never send emails after midnight. My brain just doesn't work properly and I often mistype things, get overly emotional about things or just plain don't make any sense. Since the birth of my son almost two years ago, I find that "after midnight" is just about the only quiet time I have, so I have had to reconsider the things I do after midnight.
Since I am on break between terms (I teach human anatomy in case you were dying to know.), I pretty much spend from 9pm-2am editing pictures from weddings and portrait sessions. Yes, I shoot way too many images and spend way too much time editing them.
So I am working on the bazillion images from Staci and Jason's wedding tonight and I came across two that just made me laugh out loud and I want to post them. Fortunately there is a small part of my brain still working at 2am asking me 1) Would anyone else think they are funny besides you? 2) Are they appropriate to post? Not so much that they are inappropriate, they are totally "G" rated, but I am not sure if Staci and Jason would like them.
So...I am going to sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow. I'll apologize in advance to Staci and Jason since there is a 99% chance I will post them, even if I figure out ONLY I would think they are funny.
Posted by
1:01 AM
Labels: posted by jennifer dery, wedding
Double trouble
Our son wouldn't take a pacifier the first 6 months of his life and he has never been into sucking his thumb. At about 6 months old, we tried the kind of pacifier they give at the hospital where he was born (not really found in any retail stores around here that I know of) and its been a struggle to get it OUT of his mouth ever since.
Well today, I turn the corner in the kitchen and see this unprompted set up!
Posted by
12:12 AM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Megan + Chip
What a fun evening I had tonight sweating and snapping away at Megan and Chip who are an incredibly sweet couple. It was so humid, I was embarrassingly sweaty, yet, they both gave me a big hug before I that is sweet! It was fun shooting at a new location that Chip picked out himself. I hope you guys enjoy this sneak peek!Does anyone else think Megan looks like a famous actress?
Posted by
7:50 PM
Labels: engagement, posted by jennifer dery
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Staci + Jason
Oh my! I don't even know where to begin. I have another wedding to finish editing, but I always put up a sneak peek for couples until I can get to their slideshow and editing the majority of their images.
This wedding was the first time I have been told by the church that photographs may not be taken for the ENTIRE ceremony. While I always respect the rules of the church the couple selects, this was a very hard thing for be wedding photographer and not take pictures of the wedding itself. To be honest, I was worried that I wouldn't have enough moments to capture to tell the couple's day. Well, was I wrong!
A few things come to mind, some of which can be seen below....sleeves, cake and goats!
Staci's gorgeous dress
The shoes
I couldn't resist.
The wedding party.Can you find my husband?
The glowing bride.
In memory of her father, Staci carried his watch around her bouquet.
The guys.Really quick portraits in downtown Bancroft. I loved this wall. Jason thought I was crazy!
At the reception.I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at the tux shop when they returned them today.
Jason is going to pay for this one day I am sure.
There are so many hilarious dancing photos. Here's a "G" rated one.The cool tent!
I hope you guys have a wonderful honeymoon! Thank you for sharing your day with us, I hope you enjoy the sneak peek.
Posted by
4:14 PM
Labels: posted by jennifer dery, wedding