Okay, it's been more like rainy California lately but it isn't 13 degrees with snow on the ground, so.....California, here we come!
Please pray for us that we make it through the almost 5 hour flight with a child who can't sit still for more than 5 minutes...but can scream at the top of his lungs for more than 5 hours!
I know this might be a long shot, but I am already starting to think about packing and what, if any, camera gear I might bring along.
Any blog readers out there in southern California (Oceanside or Orange County areas) interested in a portrait session while I'm out there (early March)? If you or someone you know might be interested, please drop am email though the "contact" button on my website http://www.jonaphotography.com/. I'll fill you in on some "specials" as well as specific dates. Hope to hear from some of you!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunny California
Posted by
11:14 PM
Labels: california, lifestyle portrait, posted by jennifer dery
Saturday, January 26, 2008
one of THOSE moms
I can't help it....I was cleaning out some old folders on my computer and found this! What happened to this non-mobile, non-verbal, chubby, happy-go-lucky, innocent baby? This is one of my favorite pictures of my son...EVER!
Posted by
1:16 AM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Almost happy2 seconds later, not so much.
Sorry son, I can still see you behind your teeny, tiny dog....you take after your mother with your huge noggin'.
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: personal, posted by jennifer dery
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Calgon....please take me away!
The "terrible twos" are in full swing lately at our house, and things don't seem to be on the downhill at all either. I won't joke about finding a boarding school for toddlers (some people might think I am serious!).
The highlight of the last week was my son getting his haircut. That, my friends, is not a good sign!
But in spite of all of the recent battles and tantrums...tonight, he finally made me smile.
Before bed, we say prayers and my son says the end of every line as I pause.
Me: Now I lay me down to
Son: Sleep
Me: I pray the Lord my soul to
Son: Keep
You get the gist.
At the end, we finish with...
Me: God bless mommy and
Son: Daddy
Me: Grandmas and
Son Poppas
and so on
So tonight, the same prayer and when we get to the "God Bless" part....
Me: God bless mommy and
Son: Me Mouse (that's Mickey Mouse in case you were wondering)
I pause, try not to laugh and wait for a response from him. NOTHING! So I start again...
Me: God bless mommy and
Son: Me Mouse! (except this time he screams it in case I didn't hear him the first time).
Me: Okay, God bless Me Mouse...and how about daddy?
Son: (picks his head off my shoulder, looks me straight in the eyes) Okay...daddy too. (then holds up his index finger, points it at me and shakes it) But Me Mouse FIRST mommy, Me Mouse first!
Me: Okay, Me Mouse first...(sorry dad!)
One of my son's Christmas presents was bubble bath. I thought about giving it away, not that I didn't appreciate the gift, but I just wasn't sure I could handle where adding bubbles to bath time might lead.
There are many baths I wish I would have followed my gut, but there are a few times I am so glad I didn't deprive my son of one of the the simple joys of childhood....bubble beards!I guess he likes them.
So, I recently purchased a new lens and figured I should practice with it a bit since it is a little slow on auto-focus even though it is a very fast lens. My son was not about getting his picture taken though....I guess I should have turned off Veggie Tales to improve my chances of getting him to look at me.
You can almost sense him getting fed up with me even though he's not paying attention to me ;-)
He inches closer to the TV as if to cut off my angle. Silly boy!
Frustrated, I attempt to find a more "willing" and happy subject...another big mistake. Anyone think my life is sad now? Meet Harvey. The only reason (bribe) we made it through the recent haircut!...because the minute I touched Harvey....I get this look!
Posted by
9:36 PM
Labels: lansing photographer, michigan photographer, personal, posted by jennifer dery
Friday, January 18, 2008
It's not easy being GREEN!
Actually there are some simple things that making being environmentally friendly really easy, but that isn't exactly what this post is about. Even though it makes my portrait contest seem like small change, I wanted to share with all my blog readers an incredible opportunity for you or maybe someone you know.
My friend Anne is giving away her photography services for one lucky green, DIY, indie...bride and groom. Yup...FREE...including travel if you live in the US! Since I am already married and can't really enter myself, I thought someone I know should try to snatch up this amazing opportunity from one of my favorite photographers!
Check out Anne's Blog for details! I can't wait to see who wins....maybe I'll see if I can second shoot with her ;-)
Posted by
5:26 PM
Labels: lansing photographer, michigan photographer, personal, posted by jennifer dery, wedding
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Contest Winners Notified!
Thanks to people who sent me nominations for my little contest I posted a couple weeks ago! It was wonderful to read the stories of the nominees and hopefully reading them again tonight will get me back on track with my resolution!
More details to come. The "judges" actually selected two very deserving winnners! So if you won...you should have a message from me in your email inbox!
Posted by
11:38 PM
Labels: lansing photographer, lifestyle portrait, michigan photographer, posted by jennifer dery
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Gallery Wrapped Canvases!
I have been meaning to post this for a while but never got around to do it. Want a cool alternative to display your photographic art without having to worry about framing? Check out these cool gallery wrapped canvases. If I could just get a picture of my family with ME in it, I would buy some for myself! I have seen some similar products in local retailers, but this one is from a company that specializes in this kind of product and boy, does it show! There is no comparison.
The color is incredible! But a black and white image would look really cool too!
The image wraps all the way around the edge so it looks finished from all sides.
And the back is finished off and ready to hang...simple as that!If any previous clients are interested in a gallery wrap, let me know and I can send you some additional information.
Posted by
1:46 AM
Labels: lansing photographer, michigan photographer, posted by jennifer dery, products
Friday, January 11, 2008
I'm Back!
What a few weeks it has been. We've all been sick at one point the last 2 weeks and had some other personal issues that have kept me away from the computer more than usual. So, if you have emailed me and I haven't gotten back to you yet...I will soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
The free session contest is now closed. The selection process of a winner will take place shortly and the winner will be notified. I did accept a couple nominations without a blog comment since several people had trouble actually leaving a comment.
Here's a few pictures from Christmas at my family's house.
The only thing my husband REALLY wanted for Christmas!The only thing I REALLY want post-Christmas. Anyone know where I can get a Wii? I'm convinced it is the answer to my weight loss prayers!
My sister-in-law's favorite present...a My Little Pony...oh wait, that is Emmy's horse!
Opening presents is hard work apparently.
Hand-decorated hangers for Grandma and Grandpa from Jackson.
The J-man with his new idog. I still don't get what they are for???
The movie star!
Tiger Woods came over...oh, I guess that is my husband. Such good form, I almost couldn't tell.
The kids loved the kitchen with play food.
See any resemblance?
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Posted by
3:05 PM
Labels: lansing photographer, michigan photographer, personal, posted by jennifer dery