I had the pleasure of photographing little Elijah for a second time. He is 10 months old now and is even cuter than ever. His eyes are amazingly blue as you can see! We had a fun time hanging out at his house while he showed me all of his favorite toys and things to do.
I have so many shots that I love, so it was hard to pick a few to put in the blog.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Posted by
10:53 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Crazy fabric
We went to JoAnn Fabrics yesterday because I wanted to play with crazy bold fun fabric in some children's pictures. My husband looked at me as if I had grown a second head when I showed him what I was buying! My son was the practice model right before he went to bed tonight and he really wasn't interested. Plus, I think the effect will look much better in natural light photos. Maybe I'm the one who is crazy...not the fabric!
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9:51 PM
Labels: personal
Monday, March 26, 2007
Change in the weather...
To go along with the recent change in the weather, I have already begun fiddling with my website colors and am contemplating a change. Although they are not very "springy", I can't decide whether I like the cooler shades of grey in the original site or the now warmer shades of brown to go along with the orange highlights which are going to stay no matter what. Help me decide by posting a comment below...your vote counts!
The logo color/position/size would change if I keep the new colors, but before I spend any more time with the logo, I need to decide on colors.
Here's the direct link to the website.
JoNa Photography
Here's a fun link if you like to play with color, whether it be for your website, painting your house or just for fun!
Posted by
1:09 AM
Labels: website
Monday, March 19, 2007
What a week!
The poor child had a rough weekend and was hospitalized for pretty bad dehydration...explosions out both ends if ya know what I mean...and I know ya do!
I snapped some shots before the weekend.
Trying to escape pajama time
Asking dad for a dangerous stick to put in his mouth while running around the house.At least dad doesn't give in easily.
Some fun downstairs.
The "won't someone play with me" face.
Playing with some of his favorite toys from the 'rents V.
He convinces dad to join him for a little noggin'
With some unfortunate results...
Anyone see a common theme here?
The came the weekend, before the hospital, we spent 2 days like this, alternating between mom and dad's laps.
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10:37 PM
Labels: personal
Thursday, March 8, 2007
At least we had a little sun outside today, but it is still cold so we are pretty much stuck in the house. Thank goodness Nathan's favorite word is all over the house...CAR! Anything with wheels is a car, including trains, trucks, airplanes, and sometimes animals and other assorted objects that lack wheels.
Posted by
8:45 PM
Labels: personal
His father's son
John once admitted that he likes to look at pictures of himself and today I found out, his son is no exception. Who can blame them...they are both so handsome!
Today I received some metallic test prints from my new lab. I have seen them before, but never my own photos. I am in LOVE! Of course, I had to make the test prints of Nathan so I could use them around the house as well as a few of my favorite wedding photos that really have some nice colors.
I also bought some matted frames later in the day to put them in, but in the meantime, I had to put them somewhere so the light would hit them and I could admire them in all their metallic glory. So I wedged them into the corners of a framed poster we have in our kitchen.
The look on Nathan's face was priceless when he woke up from his nap and saw himself. He wouldn't let me put him down to take a picture but he laughed and pointed and smiled like I have never seen before. He would get distracted for a bit and then find himself again and the fun began all over again and again and again.
He wasn't up for having his picture taken today. This is the only one I got so that his cousins can see how much he loves his gift they got him....Flopper!
Posted by
12:33 AM
Labels: personal